Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Bayswater Road/Hyde Park, 15th April 2007

Hyde Park was absolutely heaving on the hottest day of the year so far, most doing exactly the same as me - drinking with friends on the grass. And on my way in I saw this one trapped in a tree. It clearly had enough helium in it to make it float, but its freedom evidently didn't last long before it was caught in the net of freshly-leaved branches of a large London plane tree.

It was lush in the park, everyone was in high spirits, and this one raised mine even higher than they would have otherwise been. But only a tiny bit.
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Thursday, 12 April 2007

Henry Dickens Court, St Ann's Road, 12th April 2007

If you believe the papers, London's estates are teeming with feral knife-wielding kids who'd sooner stick a blade in a teenager than buy some chips. How true that is remains debatable, but evidently bursting stray balloons wasn't high on the to-do list of the assorted bike gangs and Staffie owners milling around the streets that evening. Not while I was passing anyway.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

New North Road, Reigate, Surrey, 1st April 2007

You have to love coincidences. I tell one other person about this, he looks out of his window the next morning, and guess what?

"If you didn't live in London, I'd suspect foul play"
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Sunday, 1 April 2007

Grand Union Canal, from Great Western Road, 11th January 2007

And this is the last one I've seen, at the time or writing/uploading, so it's been nearly three months. Now that I've set up this blog I hope my brain will be permanently pre-primed to notice them and that future additions will be more regular than over the last 21 months. I won't post unless I have a new photo.

I never expected it to come to this when I took the first few, or indeed the one above. I was prompted to create this site after reading in the Guardian Guide (31st March 2007) of a site called London Daily Photo. To the author of that site, and especially to his lucid instructions on how to do this, I doff my cap and raise my pint. I don't know this man, but I share his enthusiasm and I am very grateful for his unbidden help.
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Shepherds Bush Green, 6th January 2007

A rather sorry example in the gutter on a wet winter day. Night dark at 5ish, when this was taken; the kind of night when summer seems a strange and fanciful concept.
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St James's Road, 7th October 2006

I had barely noticed it before I saw the child, who entered rapidly from the right. Whether he was running to pick up a loved one that got away, or to pop one found on the street, I don't know. If the latter he didn't pop it within earshot.
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Ladbroke Grove, 13th September 2006

Again, I remember nothing about this one. I only got the location by enlarging the photo and thinking where I'd have been at that time: another walk home from work. Then I recognised it. Looks different with leaves.
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St Ann's Road, 5th September 2006

Blurred because I was in motion; the curve of the yellow line makes it look distorted but that's how it's painted. The speedwalking kid in the background adds an element of motion to this that is missing in most, and that I didn't realise I was missing until this.
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Tavistock Road/Portobello Road, 28th August 2006

It will survive longer tucked behind an advertising board (I feel sure there's a technical term for those things but I don't know it). I doubt it lasted the night, but it probably outlasted me - a few punches served in the cafe we were sat outside did for me totally.
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