Saturday, 12 January 2008

Kennington Road, from 159 bus, 12th January 2008

A pink pair tied together and surviving at a bus stop, the first sighting(s) of the new year. This was a shot against the clock, hastily fumbling to reach my phone before the bus pulled away. They were captured just in time - the shutter clicked as the bus growled back into action, and if the photo hadn't have come out they would have been missed. It hasn't escaped my notice that it's actually a better photo than some of the ones I've been able to compose and shoot unpressured by time (such as Bedford Road below). Bah...
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Bedford Road, 27th December 2007

Rolling around with its stalk the radius of the arcs. I was venturing into town for a bit of post-Christmas shopping... needless to say there was no sign of the balloon, or its stalk, when I returned.
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