Sunday, 18 January 2009

Vauxhall Bus Station, from 36 bus, 17th January 2009

Despite fearing being late, the bus was the only option as the Victoria Line was down. Just as well, as I'd have otherwise missed this pink balloon wheeling about on a wild night. I was on the upper deck, and was surprised to suddenly see a balloon shoot past the window, and such was its speed that initially I had little hope for its capture. I went for my phone anyway, and happily the gale whirled it back past the windows a couple more times, and I got lucky with my only shot. I did have to crane over a middle-aged gentleman on the window seat, which was a trifle rude, but he didn't seem to mind.

The bus pulled away straight after this was taken. And I wasn't late.
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Saturday, 10 January 2009

Stockwell Road, from 59 bus, 9th January 2009

"But the 59 doesn't go down Stockwell Road!" I hear you cry. It did this day, diverted due to the closure of Brixton Road, the reason for which remains unknown. The journey was tortuous but cheery due to an impending night of Lash with an old friend, and spotting this group lifted the mood yet further.

They were treed right opposite Brixton Academy, which has recently had its name changed to "The O2 Academy Brixton". What would Hicks say?
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Thursday, 8 January 2009

Chelsea Bridge Road, from 137 bus, 7th January 2009

Damn this is a bleak and colourless shot, and so bleak was the morning that even upping the saturation to ridiculous levels couldn't bring out the red in the red brick buildings. Well, not without making the rest of the shot look like a frame from some acid-tinged Beatles film. So bleak it must remain. I've tagged black, white and silver here, but for all the colour visible they could well have been shocking pink, lime green and Mimosa.

Apologies also for the blurred streaks in places. Freezing day, packed bus - always going to mist up the windows. Bah.
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