This flaccid red and pink pair almost looks like an intentional decoration, but I've never known construction barriers to bear balloons before, and it was a windy day, so I guess they blew there from elsewhere and were caught by the ribbons. For two years this route was part of my long journey to and from work, but this time I had a different reason - I was heading back to Brixton to help clean the house as part of a protracted, tiring and emotional move.
That move, incidentally, is the reason for the vast timespan between the photo date and the publication date. Nearly two maddening months passed before the internet was connected to my new flat, and that turbulent period didn't feel over until I was snugly online again.
That move, incidentally, is the reason for the vast timespan between the photo date and the publication date. Nearly two maddening months passed before the internet was connected to my new flat, and that turbulent period didn't feel over until I was snugly online again.