And another from the distant tropics - incredible, and pinpointed perfectly too. Thanks Luna! And here's how:
"I was on the northbound lane of the major highway on our island (the one which runs north to south). As I approached the vicinity of the Caroni Bird Sanctuary, I noticed a blob of pink, silver and white, bobbing its way across the three southbound lanes. I managed to make out the face of a cartoon character, Dora perhaps, as the balloon reached the 12" median. Of course, I was driving at around 90km per hour and could not stop to see the balloon's fate, but curiousity and the promise of a photo-op got the better of me and I exited the highway at the next off-ramp. I crossed the highway and proceeded back in the direction I came until I could exit at the next ramp to end up heading north again. Yes, I was laughing at myself, but hey, it would be worth it if I got the photo. As I neared the median, I put on my hazard lights, but 'she' was nowhere to be seen. So I continued along, then there she was!!! Not to my right, in the middle of the highway, but to my left, having made her way across three more lanes of speeding northbound traffic to settle in the overgrown grass, bobbing up every now and then as if to peep at me. After I pulled the car to the shoulder, and spent few minutes snapping her photo, I realized she looked more like Snow White than Dora. Maybe Snow White was an explorer too!"
A frankly heroic effort! London's tangled crowded streets scarcely permit 9kmph, never mind 90 - the thought of turning around is fantastic. I burst out laughing at my desk and it cheered me the rest of the day, and still does. In a dark wet cold and turbulent city far to the north, that's very welcome. Cheers!