The first dusk back in GMT, a premature flash in an unknown street on an unplanned and uncommonly fine weekend. As we approached the balloon there was the sharp ting of fast-falling shrapnel nearby and a whoop of near miss from above. My stoop to shoot at least ceased the aimed rain, but not for too long - as we walked on my explanation was punctuated by a pop, its demise prompting happy victorious cries. But I left the scene, and the city, the happier.
I saw a balloon today, and thought of you and this blog. It's weird tho, ballooons have always made me happy, especially the one that are untethered.
(Btw, the balloon I saw was a red one, rolling along a sidewalk in Maraval, Trinidad & Tobago.)
Thank you Luna! If you get a pic of one please send it over, I'd love to add it here. Cheers!
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