The snow still clagged pavement edges and the parts less trodden, but it had been trampled away elsewhere, and Borough Market could never be described as one of London's less trodden areas. These three were snagged in one of the market's metal arches when I arrived at a favourite pub, and I had ignored them for that. But despite the chill air I was waiting outside for a friend, it being too crowded inside to make meeting easy, and as I watched one of the bitter gusts unsnagged them and they drifted still bound to the ground.
The truck in the background was collecting rubbish, and I trotted over pint in hand in haste fearing they'd take these too. But bins were emptied and these ignored, so I snapped at my leisure, pausing only once to permit a perplexed pedestrian past.
delightful composition, which with the glow from the light gives it a beautifully elegiac quality
Thank you!
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