Saturday, 19 November 2011

La Rochelle harbour, from Quai Louis Durand, France, 12th October 2011

Always nice to see them away from London. These two were floating in a channel of the harbour, to which it's connected by the large doors behind. The light was just fading so this was a stroke of luck, as they all are. Although these were seen over a month ago, there's been nothing since. I've missed chances though. London is getting darker every day, which doesn't make it easier to spot them. I hope for a change of fortunes soon...


Unknown said...

Two in one shot! Very cool. Hello from Trinidad :) I'm still on the lookout for doomed ones in my part of the world. Seems like they too, like my creative spark, have gone into hiding.
Perhaps now that I'm blogging again they'll resurface soon.

Ben said...

Hi! It's been ages since I've been here, mercy me. I haven't seen any here for ages either - I hope they and your spark return very soon!