Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Petit Valley, Trinidad & Tobago, 12th August 2010

And this is the most distant to date - thanks Luna! It was one of those "isn't the internet amazing?" moments - a random find leads to a comment from afar, and a few weeks later, in her own words:

"I merged onto the highway, there it was: a happy pink balloon try to pull and tug its way free from whatever snagged its string. I pulled over and put my hazard lights on, then switched them off, thinking that the blinking lights just might make some kind person stop to offer assistance to a girl who appeared to be need of it. Sure enough, a few cars slowed down as I walked back toward the balloon, but thankfully this was past rush hour and not many cars were about."

So I get to stick a pin in the map in Petit Valley, some 7120-something kilometres from home. Brilliant. Luna added that it made her morning. I'm glad - I'm still smiling now.
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Unknown said...

You're very welcome Eltanin :) It was certainly my pleasure. I agree, the internet is amazing. Maybe that's what is at the root of all our blogs after all: making connections over distances great and small - human connections, which can make us all smile. :)

Ben said...

Indeed, and I'm very glad it does.